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Selected Headlines and Stories about Arnon and his Work

Jewish Book Council - June 3, 2022

Emily Schneider

"In between, there are moments of still­ness and detailed beau­ty, such as Cap­tain Toledano hold­ing José’s engraved sil­ver kid­dush cup in his gnarled hand as he stares fixed­ly at every­thing this rit­u­al object sug­gests about what Jews have lost."


Rough Sketch - May 6, 2022

Menachem Wecker

No one asks, “How could there be Christian pirates?” or “How could there be Muslim pirates?” Why should we accept the question “How could there be Jewish pirates?”

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Jewish Journal - April 27, 2022

Boaz Hepner

Each panel doesn’t just exist in its own vacuum, it’s part of a narrative progression. Really it’s about what else is happening around this scene, and where it is in the overall story.

Poster and Cover Side By Side - smaller file.jpg - September 21, 2020

I was a high school kid, still relatively new to the passion of filmmaking. And as I watched, Jewison turned to me and said through the airwaves, “just find some good stories”.


Jewish Journal - March 28, 2018

Esther D. Kustanowitz

"While we concern ourselves with how we are seen by the world, I think it’s equally important for us to spend some time rediscovering each other. There is so much richness in the diversity of Judaism, but most of us don’t get a chance to experience it.”

TPCT - Stephen DeCordova as The Pirate C - December 4, 2018

Miriam Anzovin & Daniel Selligson

Tune in to find out all about the real-life inspiration for “The Pirate Captain Toledano”


Wall Street Journal - November 13, 2014

Lucette Lagnado

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Press: Press Coverage
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